Myth: Spaying or neutering will alter my
pet’s personality.
Fact: Regardless
of the age when spayed or neutered, your pet will remain a caring,loving and protective
companion. Any slight changes will be positive.
Myth: Companion animals will become fat and lazy if they are neutered.
Fact: Absolutely not! Lack of exercise and overfeeding make pets
fat and lazy—not neutering. Your pet will not gain weight if you provide exercise and monitor food intake. Also, sterilized
pets tend to live an average of two to three years longer than unsterilized pets.
Myth: Sterilization is a dangerous and painful surgery for my pet.
Fact: Spaying and neutering are the most common surgeries performed
on animals. With a minimal amount of home care, your pet will resume normal behavior in a couple of days.
Myth: Letting my pet have a litter will allow my children to witness
the miracle of birth.
Fact: Countless books and videos are available to teach your children
about birth in a responsible manner. Letting your pet produce offspring that you have no intention of keeping is teaching
your children irresponsibility. Anyone who has seen an animal euthanized in a shelter for lack of a home knows the truth behind
this dangerous myth.
Myth: It is good for her to have ONE litter....
Fact: The sooner you spay your female, the better her health will
be in the future. The longer a female goes unspayed, the greater the likelihood of developing mammary tumors or
uterine infections.